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The Year of Health: February

Wherein things go a little off the rails.

First up, read the last blog post if you haven’t already. Done that? Good.

As you might expect, all semblances of a “diet plan” or an “exercise routine” go out the window when you end up as a hospital inpatient.

Only a couple of days of feeling well recovered did I then jet off to Malmö in Sweden for NFC—NordicFuzzCon—for which I (justifiably, I think) permitted myself to let loose from following anything too strictly.

And literally the day after returning from Malmö, I came down with food poisoning that took up the rest of the month.

So February was a fucking disaster.

Let’s just roll the tape.


Probably followed it decently at the start of the month, but was naturally derailed after that. Hospital portions almost certainly constituted a smaller calorie intake than normal, so maybe that’s something?

Same too, being too food poisoned to actually eat anything substantial for four days, although malnourishment is hardly a healthy diet plan.

I didn’t particularly follow the diet at all while at NFC, barring one day of eating fairly light and healthily simply because I was so tired of fast food and convenience foods. Hopefully the rest was offset by the increased physical activity.


Yeah, not much of that outside of NFC either.

Furry conventions are, perhaps, surprisingly active times. You practically spend all day on your feet and walking around places. My Apple Watch rings loved it.

Mental health

Increasingly hot garbage.

NFC was excellent, of course, but everything before and after it was miserable. The hospital stay had some novelty to it, derived from having never actually been in an ambulance or stayed overnight in a hospital before, but the novelty certainly wears thin after the first few days.

All of the medical investigations and proddings are still ongoing, and the sheer amount of stuff being looked at now is sorta depressing in itself. This shit does not please the robot or Olive in the slightest.

We know there’s no benefit in just being aimlessly miserable about it all, but it sucks and it feels inescapable right now.

Medical stuff

Following the hospital stay and prognosis of asthma (am I using that word right?), I’ve since been given some new routines to follow. Namely, an inhaler I have to use twice a day and a lung capacity test I need to do three times a day.

I was briefly prescribed medication to tackle my high blood pressure, but this has already been paused on the doctor’s orders due to concerns about my kidney function. Yep, we got another potential health issue for the list!

Thankfully, the food poisoning has mostly made its departure already, so I’m “only” waiting for:

  • bloodwork and urine testing to double-check my kidney function.
  • an ultrasound, also to check what my kidneys are up to.
  • outpatient appointments to formally test and diagnose asthma.
  • a check-in with the gender identity clinic.
  • a referral to a speech therapist.
  • a referral for laser hair removal.
  • a referral for a sleep study to investigate sleep apnea.
  • a potential referral to a dermatologist for psoriasis issues.
  • potentially, eventually, resuming treatment for high blood pressure.

It feels that I may just have to pivot away from the diet and exercise parts of The Year of Health just for my own sanity. The sheer weight of so much medical nonsense is hard enough to deal with without also being paranoid about calorie goals. And hey, health is still health.

I’m so tired.

Thought this was neat? Why not ?